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Find out more about our training for therapists below.

Upcoming Training

Upcoming EMDRIA Approved Basic Trainings with EMDR Consulting Trainer, Laurie Colson-Young


(Included in all trainings are 40 hours of academic/practice, 10 hours of required consultation, additional website access to forms, videos, etc. and virtual support through “MyQuest”)



5 Day Intensives In Person​


Part 1& 2

  • TBA​


Virtual Trainings​


Evicting Toxic Shame (Virtual Training)


Basic Training

  • Why our training:

    • Training with our team will teach you how to integrate attachment, neurobiology, and development over the lifespan into the belief focused 8 phases of EMDR.  We believe in a client-centered, clinician-friendly approach to doing EMDR, while supporting the clinician in their learning, each step of the way.

  • Basic training cost:

    • In Person

      • Private Practice, 2 Part and 5 Day Intensive: $1645

      • Non-profit/Community Mental Health/Intern/Veteran: $1445

      • Refresher: $TBD

    • Virtual

      • Private Practice, 2 Part and 5 Day Intensive): $1445

      • Non profit/Community Mental Health/Intern/Veteran: $1245

  • What is included in the cost:

    • 40 Hours of Academic/Practicum

    • 10 hours of Consultation

    • MyQuest journey (Virtual support), lifetime access to EMDR Consulting’s website including videos, documentation forms, email listserve, etc.




  • In-Person Refresher

    • $845.00 USD – Standard Fee

    • $745.00 USD – Non-Profit, Community Mental Health, Interns/Students, 2 Years Postgrad (master’s level or higher), Active Duty Military, or Veterans


  • Vitrual Refresher

    • $745.00 USD – Standard Fee

    • $645.00 USD – Non-Profit, Community Mental Health, Interns/Students, 2 Years Postgrad (master’s level or higher), Active Duty Military, or Veterans



Advanced Training

  • Evicting Toxic Shame Virtual

    • This is an advanced EMDR training for helping clients with complex trauma and early attachment issues who experience toxic shame as an underlying identity, which is extremely difficult to change. The workshop includes background, conceptualization, and a step-by-step procedure that expands on the desensitization phase of EMDR. Two sessions of practicum are included to help clinicians integrate the process.

    • Created by Phoebe Bergvall, co-facilitated with Laurie Colson-Young


Roy Kiessling, LISW

Roy is the founder of EMDR Consulting and creator of our EMDRIA Approved EMDR Training Course. Learn more here.



Are you feeling a way about a thing?  Let’s explore it!

The Neurobiology of You Workshop


The primary goal of this workshop is to give you the human (who happens to be a therapist) the opportunity to take a deep dive into your own neural development over your lifespan.  From the view overlooking Pismo Beach at the Sea Venture hotel, we will explore how our nervous systems developed, and how they are working for us in our current environments.


We will be using big groups, small groups and individual work to explore our own neurobiology, to gain a deeper understanding of how we function in this world. 

Much of this workshop will be experiential and interactive, with the intention of understanding how neurobiology works for all of us, and how yours specifically developed for your own survival.


This workshop will be led by me, a human, who is also a therapist, that has worked with many clinicians over the years and has an inside perspective of how our world view is shaped by the nervous systems that are around us, as well as within us.


I would love to have you come and explore, if you are ready to take a deep dive into who you are, underneath all the things you do.


Save the date: Oct 22-24 2025

Pismo Beach California

Sea Venture Hotel

Upcoming Training
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