Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
I just finished watching the documentary “Won’t You be My Neighbor?” about Fred Rogers. Please watch it. Please take the time to learn and see how important it is to live with love, with acceptance, with willingness to see others and accept them exactly as they are. If you have children in your life, see them. See how big it is to feel their feelings, to experience the world from their viewpoint and what they know, in the eyes of a little child. So pure, innocent, fearful, and tender.
I think this is the best movie/documentary I have ever seen. Especially in the time/place we live in now. There is so much that is harsh, painful, hurtful, shaming. And this is about gentleness and love. Don’t we all need a little more of that? And can’t we all give a little more of that?
Please, for today, if you can, watch this movie. Let it sink in and touch the parts of you that have been there all along. And then, let yourself see those tender parts in others. Mr. Rogers was a brilliant man, speaking the language that we all yearn for, hope for, and can only hope we impart to others.
Watching this movie has made me want to be a better me, for so many of us who feel alone, afraid and unlovable.Just know, you have value, you are loveable, just the way you are, for who you are, because you are.
Thank you Mr. Rogers for being brave, recognizing the true essence of and standing up for the tender hearts of children.